This is the fourth installment of the acclaimed Comanche series, based on the U.S. Army's next-generation armed reconnaissance helicopter: the RAH-66 by Boeing-Sikorsky.
Comanche 4 is a sky shooter designed to give players a taste of the thrill and excitement of going into battle as a Comanche pilot. The helicopter's versatility in reconnaissance, ground attack, and air combat roles are emphasized in the game's all-new missions. Players will get to fly with the Comanche's signature low-altitude capabilities and swoop into real-world locations, including urban settings and rural environments around the world such as tropical islands, desolate deserts, and lush, tree-laden jungles.
The game showcases stunning graphics, including realistic rotor wash effects both on the water and the ground. Comanche 4 also features a 3-D virtual cockpit and such weapons as the 20 mm cannon, 70 mm rockets, air-to-air and heat-seeking AIM-9 Stingers, and the laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire missile. Players also have to dodge fire from ground troops wielding handheld Stingers, as well as fire from antiaircraft emplacements, jets, helicopters, and surface ships.