Basic steps Test Drive Unlimited 2 The events unfolding on the island of Ibiza. You have a unique opportunity to feel as a driver living in a quiet corner of the Spanish called Ibiza. But do not think that the game be limited to mere Ibiza. After reaching a certain level in the game, will bring you back to Oahu, the island from the first part of the game. This Hawaiian corner just will delight you with its uncharted and fascinating beauty.
Year: 2010
Genre: Racing / Simulator / MMORPG
Developer: Eden Games
Publisher: ATARI
Publication Type: license
Language: English only
Tabletka: None
Size: 3,65 GB
System requirements:
- OS: Windows XP (SP2) / Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz / AMD Athlon X2 4400 +
- Memory: 2GB
- Video card: Nvidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870
- Sound: DirectX 9.0C support
- Free hard drive space: 5 GB
- ADSL-connection
To install the game need a key!
Instructions on how to get the key:
1. Checking in here:
2. We leave the application.
3. Waiting.